Friday 30 April 2010


The Importance of having 1to1 meetings outside of the normal networking meetings to build rapport and trust in the group:
Delivered by Graham Malida of YVF

You have to earn referrals!

Networking is all about trust! - If you trust someone you will be more inclined to recommend them to others you know.

Gaining a level of trust needs much more than a brief introduction or attending breakfast meetings

Remember ‘Know – Like and Trust’

One of the best ways to build trust is to have 121 meetings

* It is a meeting held in between our regular fortnightly breakfast meetings
* It can be held at a place of work or at a hotel or café
* Meetings are better held in private so you can talk without interruptions


* Have a list of the questions you would like to ask (example to hand out)
* Keep it informal and friendly
* Your prime objective should be to learn about the other person’s business and how you can help them

AVOID SELLING! This is not a pitching contest!

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